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Defence & Security

08/11/24 12:10 PM IST

One Rank One Pension (OROP) in India

In News
  • The One Rank One Pension scheme, which aims to bridge pension disparities among ex-servicemen of the same rank with similar service lengths, has evolved through multiple phases for the past 10 years.
OROP scheme
  • At its core, One Rank One Pension (OROP) is a simple yet profound idea: that military personnel retiring in the same rank and with the same length of service should receive the same pension, regardless of their date of retirement.
  • The principle addresses the disparity in pension benefits faced by former soldiers due to inflation, changes in pay scales, and the evolving nature of service conditions over time.
  • The scheme directly benefits the ex-servicemen and their families by ensuring that the pension gap between current and retired personnel is bridged periodically.
  • The successful implementation of OROP in 2014 was not only a policy shift but a significant gesture of the government's gratitude and respect towards those who served the nation.
Key features
  • Re-fixation of Pensions: The pension of all past pensioners is re-fixed based on the pensions of personnel who retired in 2013, starting from July 1, 2014. This created a new benchmark for pensions, with all retirees getting equal benefits for their service.
  • Periodic Revision: The pension is to be re-fixed every five years, ensuring that it continues to reflect changes in the pay and pension structure.
  • Arrears Payments: Arrears of pension were to be paid in equal half-yearly installments, although the arrears for family pensioners and gallantry awardees were paid in a single installment.
  • Safeguarding Above-Average Pension: For personnel drawing pensions higher than the average, their pensions are protected, ensuring that they do not lose out on the benefits of OROP.
  • Inclusive of All Ex-Servicemen: The order covered all personnel who retired up to June 30, 2014, and provided a robust framework for revising pensions for all ranks, including family pensioners.
  • The OROP scheme has benefitted over 25 lakh veterans and their families, bringing much-needed financial security to the ex-servicemen community.
  • The scheme has not only improved the standard of living for retired military personnel but has also ensured greater dignity for their service to the nation.
  • For many veterans, this was a long-awaited recognition of their contributions, bridging the gap between their sacrifices and the rewards they received post-retirement.
  • OROP has also had significant social and emotional value.
  • It has contributed to a stronger bond between the Indian government and its military veterans, signaling the nation’s commitment to those who serve and protect its sovereignty.
  • For the families of soldiers, many of whom live with the sacrifices of their loved ones, this policy brought a sense of fulfillment and acknowledgment.
  • The re-fixation of pensions every five years ensures that the scheme remains adaptable to the evolving needs of ex-servicemen and their families.
  • It also continues to be a powerful symbol of the government's commitment to addressing the concerns of its military personnel, many of whom are at the forefront of protecting India’s borders and interests.
Source- PIB

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