In news
According to a new report on the State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries (SoMFi 2020) 75 per cent of fish stocks remained subject to overfishing, the % fell by more than 10 per cent between 2014 and 2018.
Fishery Industry
- Fisheries form an essential part of the socio-economic fabric of the Mediterranean and Black Sea life, with an economic contribution of an estimated $9.4 billion.
- At least one in every 100 coastal residents in some areas there is a fisher.
Species prioritisation
- Catches of species of conservation concern, such as the European eel and the piked dogfish in the Black Sea, have declined steeply to near zero in recent years.
- The recent overall increase in catch in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, coupled with generally stable fishing effort, reflected a modest but welcome inversion of the negative trends in the status of fishery resources in the region.
- For fisheries to continue playing their critical socio-economic role in the face of climate change and increasing human pressures on the marine environment, efforts towards rebuilding stocks to allow them to produce their maximum sustainable yield (MSY) are essential and require effective management.
Source: DTE