'In the wake of several Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card holders complaining about being reclassified as “foreigners”, the Ministry of External Affairs said that there were no changes Read More...
'Launched on September 25, 2014, by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the "Make in India" initiative is completing 10 years as a pivotal step in India's nation-building efforts.' The initiative&rsquo Read More...
'This autumn, Earth is about to get a second moon—a tiny asteroid named 2024 PT5—that will orbit the planet for about two months between September 29 and November 25 before escaping gravit Read More...
'In a first-of-its-kind attempt to enumerate people engaged in the hazardous cleaning of sewers and septic tanks in India’s cities and towns, government data gathered from over 3,000 urban local Read More...
'To do away with colonial vestiges in the Indian military and its traditions, the Armed Forces are considering several changes.' Drafting a tri-service Act instead of three individual service Acts Read More...
'The ocean is overflowing,” warned UN secretary general Antonio Guterres at a recent visit to Tonga.' The archipelago in the South Pacific is one of several countries in the region that are s Read More...
'India is now formally a part of the Minerals Security Finance Network, a US-led initiative aiming to strengthen cooperation among members to secure supply chains for critical minerals.' The anno Read More...
'In the last few years, maritime East Asia has become an arena for intensified power politics. The East China Sea borders China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea.' China asserts that the Senkaku/ D Read More...
'Saudi Arabia’s Neom project contends with corruption, worker deaths, racism and misogyny.' Neom was visualised as part of Saudi Arabia’s ambitious Vision 2030 project, which sought to Read More...
'Project Cheetah, which saw the introduction of the African sub-species of the wild cat in India, completed two years on September 17.' The ambitious project has two overarching objectives. First Read More...