Current Affairs

US Senate passes Bill that may ban TikTok
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US Senate passes Bill that may ban TikTok

Science & Tech 25/04/24 07:23 AM IST
by Mahesh

'A Bill that could force social media app TikTok’s sale by its Chinese owner, or ban it outright, has been passed in the United States Senate.' The latest step is also symbolic of the action Read More...

Article 244(A) of Indian Constitution
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Article 244(A) of Indian Constitution

Science & Tech 25/04/24 07:16 AM IST
by Mahesh

'The demand for an autonomous state within Assam has been raised by some of the sections of the society in Assam under the provisions of Article 244A of the Constitution.' Article 244(A) allows f Read More...

Rules for Star Campaigners
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Rules for Star Campaigners

Science & Tech 24/04/24 11:40 AM IST
by Mahesh

'Section 77 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (RP Act) provides for law relating to expenditure incurred by ‘leaders of a political party’.' These ‘leaders of a polit Read More...

An overview of the PMAY-U scheme
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An overview of the PMAY-U scheme

Science & Tech 24/04/24 11:34 AM IST
by Mahesh

'PMAY-U, being implemented since June 2015, is one of the major flagship programmes being implemented by the Government of India under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA).' The sche Read More...

Global plastic treaty
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Global plastic treaty

Science & Tech 24/04/24 11:28 AM IST
by Mahesh

'Global leaders will gather in Canada’s capital this week to discuss progress in drafting a first-ever global treaty to rein in soaring plastic pollution by the end of the year.' The hoped-fo Read More...

New World Meteorological Organisation report released
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New World Meteorological Organisation report released

Science & Tech 24/04/24 11:21 AM IST
by Mahesh

'As Asia is warming faster than the global average, it is witnessing more extreme weather, climate, and water-related events than any other region across the world.' In 2023, there were 79 events a Read More...

SC allows abortion of 30-week foetus
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SC allows abortion of 30-week foetus

Science & Tech 23/04/24 10:39 AM IST
by Mahesh

'The Supreme Court has allowed a 14-year-old victim of sexual assault to terminate her almost 30-week pregnancy.' Section 3B of the Rules under the MTP Act lists seven categories of forced pregnanc Read More...

Earth Day
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Earth Day

Science & Tech 23/04/24 10:23 AM IST
by Mahesh

'Earth Day was first observed in 1970 when around 20 million took to the streets to protest environmental degradation on the call of US Senator Gaylord Nelson.' The event was triggered by the 1969 Read More...

Why are sugary processed foods harmful?
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Why are sugary processed foods harmful?

Science & Tech 23/04/24 09:58 AM IST
by Mahesh

'Over the past week, the spotlight has returned on high sugar content in flavoured malt-based milk powders and baby food.' Government authorities are warning against branding such items as “h Read More...

New Green Credit Programme rules
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New Green Credit Programme rules

Science & Tech 23/04/24 09:50 AM IST
by Mahesh

'Recently, the Environment Ministry issued further guidelines on its Green Credit Programme (GCP), two months after it had prescribed rules governing the first initiative, afforestation.' Modifyi Read More...