'The Citizens’ Tele-Law Mobile App, launched recently, enables the individual beneficiary to access pre-litigation advice and hold consultation directly with the Panel Lawyer, free of cost.' Read More...
'India has crossed a landmark milestone in its eHealth journey. eSanjeevani telemedicine service of Union Health Ministry has crossed 3 crore tele-consultations.' Also, “eSanjeevani” te Read More...
'Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change Shri Bhupendra Yadav informed that Standing Committee of the National Board for Wild has recommended to celebrate October 5th as National Dol Read More...
'An offshore security exercise, ‘Prasthan’ was conducted in the Offshore Development Area (ODA) off Mumbai on 23 March 2022, under the aegis of Headquarters, Western Naval Command.' Con Read More...
'The Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR) project has been launched in Delhi, Mumbai and Maharashtra licensed service areas (LSAs) in a phased manner to facilitate blocking and tracing of lost a Read More...
'Kala Namak rice is grown in the tarai area of Siddharth Nagar and ten neighboring districts of eastern Uttar Pradesh.' It is a scented rice variety which is generally offered better price as compa Read More...
'National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM) was established by Government of India in 2015 to plan and monitor implementation of policies and programmes related to Smart Grid activities in India.' The prim Read More...
'Polar Science and Cryosphere Research (PACER) scheme comprising the Antarctic program, Indian Arctic program, Southern Ocean program and Cryosphere and Climate program is implemented successfully thr Read More...
'Ministry of Education will be conducting a ‘foundational learning study’ in order to draw a first-hand understanding of the learning levels of the students at the foundational learning st Read More...
'The ten-day Red Fort Festival - Bharat Bhagya Vidhata, will begin tomorrow at the iconic 17th- century monument, Red Fort, New Delhi. To be held from 25th March to 3rd April, 2022, the festvcal will Read More...