In an intervention at a UNSC debate on combating international terrorism, Jaishankar called upon the Council to first summon up the political will to combat terrorism, saying there must be no ifs and Read More...
"China claims Arunachal Pradesh as part of southern Tibet, while India's consistent stand has been that the northeastern state is an integral and inalienable part of the country" China dismissed a Read More...
"Robots to retrieve radioactive remnants from Fukushima, other retired nuclear plants" Scientists from the Uniter Kingdom and Japan have come together to develop new, safer technologies to dismantl Read More...
"Most of Turkey has been under intense drought from the beginning of the year, after consecutive seasons of little or no rainfall, the Nasa Earth Observatory reported" This has put agriculture in t Read More...
"The 16th edition of the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report" It analyses the risks from societal fractures—manifested through persistent and emerging risks to human health, risi Read More...
"DRDO successfully conducted captive and release trial of indigenously developed Smart Anti-Airfield Weapon (SAAW) from Hawk-i aircraft of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) off the Odisha coast" Read More...
"AstroSat’s Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope spots rare ultraviolet-bright stars in a massive intriguing cosmic dinosaur in the Milky Way" It is said to have at least five generations of stars h Read More...
"Dr Harsh Vardhan inaugurates the 7th Edition of MASCRADE 2021 organized by FICCI" Smuggling and counterfeit trade hold back progress, impact health of the economy and create safety hazards for con Read More...
"Cabinet approves the Investment Proposal of Rs. 5281.94 crore for 850 MW Ratle Hydro Power Project" The project is located on river Chenab, in Kishtwar district of Union Territory of Jammu a Read More...
"A large scale Joint Military exercise ‘Exercise Kavach’ involving assets of Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Air Force and Indian Coast Guard is being conducted in the coming week" It Read More...