"To empower the farmers through the Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM) scheme, the Government of India has released funds for various activities of Farm Mechanization" Farm Mechanizat Read More...
"Discovered Small Field (DSF) bid round-III for international competitive bidding was launched" The virtual event was attended by more than 450 participants including major E&P players, prospec Read More...
"It has been decided to allow LPG customers to have a choice deciding which distributors they want their LPG refill from" Consumers will be able to choose their “Delivering Distributor” Read More...
"Union Education Minister announces the release of Report of All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) 2019-20" The report reflects the continuous emphasis given by the government on Higher Educ Read More...
"Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will participate in the Outreach Sessions of the G7 Summit on 12 and 13 June in virtual format" UK currently holds the Presidency of the G7 and has invited India, Read More...
"The “last remaining stretches” of the Assam Valley tropical wet evergreen forests have become Assam’s seventh National Park" The State government notified Dihing Patkai as a Nati Read More...
"The U.S. Senate passed a sweeping industrial policy Bill aimed at countering the surging economic threat from rival China, overcoming partisan divisions to support pumping more than $170 billion into Read More...
"This year’s Solar Eclipse will be visible on June 10" The annular solar eclipse appears when the Moon passes between Earth and the sun. The Moon does not block the entire view of the Sun, Read More...
"Indian Scientists have found a promising technique for early detection of development or strengthening of tropical cyclones in the atmospheric column prior to satellite detection over ocean Read More...
"Digital India Corporation& Indian Council of Agricultural Research signs MoU to provide ‘Demand Based Tele Agriculture Advisories’ to farmers" The objective of the MoU is to integr Read More...