Nearly 100 students from more than 25 universities from all over India were introduced to various topics related to astronomy at an online training programme to develop capacity in the subject. Th Read More...
"In a boost to exports of organic products, a consignment of 10.20 MT of value added products of organically certified gluten free jackfruit powder &retort packed jackfruit cubes were exported to Read More...
"The Union Cabinet has approved the opening of a new Consulate General of India in Addu City, Maldives in 2021" India and Maldives share ethnic, linguistic, cultural, religious and commercial Read More...
"The Union Cabinet, has approved the proposal of the Ministry of Home Affairs for creation of one (01) post of Director in Senior Administrative Grade (SAG), at National Disaster Response Force Academ Read More...
"Fundamental defect of POCSO is its inability to deal with historical cases" With growing international jurisprudence around these issues, and in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Ch Read More...
"A slew of proposals ranging from a ban on beef to disqualification of panchayat poll aspirants with more than two children, which form part of draft regulations for Lakshadweep cleared by its" Adm Read More...
"A scientist has estimated the three-dimensional distribution of molecular and atomic hydrogen in a nearby galaxy which can help lead to clues to the star formation processes and the evolution of the Read More...
"Recycling Carbon technology by Bangalore startup receives TDB National Award 2021" Breathe Applied Sciences, a startup incubated at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR Read More...
"A total eclipse of the Moon will occur on May 26, 2021 (5Jyaistha, 1943 Saka Era)" From India, just after moonrise, ending of partial phase of the eclipse will be visible for a short span of time Read More...
"In a major boost to export of GI certified products, season’s first consignment of Shahi Litchi from Bihar was exported to United Kingdom by air route" The phyto-sanitary certification for e Read More...